Miss Leigha Bell had her 9 month check up! She weighs 20 lbs 10 oz and is 29 inches long. She is doing GREAT. She is crawling SO FAST and pulling up to everything and starting to walk along furniture!!!! She was suppose to be my laid back baby LOL! Emma crawled at 11 months and walked at 12 months. Sophia didn't start even start crawling and pulling herself up to stuff until 9 1/2 -10 months. and Leigha has been doing it for a good 2-3 weeks!!!!
She doesn't know if she likes baby food. I try everyday and some days she eats it and some days she doesn't. She is starting to try real food and LOVES IT!
She still LOVES her bath times and her sisters. She is starting to dance and shake her butt to music! It is too funny. She loves to play peek a boo and she does this funny eye wink and fake laugh but of course as soon as the camera comes out all the fun stuff stops to stare at the camera!!!
Shaun started school Monday so we are back into 1 more semester! (a couple more to go)!
We are going roller skating tomorrow with Emma's school so I will try to post pictures.
She doesn't know if she likes baby food. I try everyday and some days she eats it and some days she doesn't. She is starting to try real food and LOVES IT!
She still LOVES her bath times and her sisters. She is starting to dance and shake her butt to music! It is too funny. She loves to play peek a boo and she does this funny eye wink and fake laugh but of course as soon as the camera comes out all the fun stuff stops to stare at the camera!!!
Shaun started school Monday so we are back into 1 more semester! (a couple more to go)!
We are going roller skating tomorrow with Emma's school so I will try to post pictures.
Glad to see you posted again! I was missing you!