Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Lynne and Tim our friends in Maryland sent Leigha a "Super Leigha" shirt with a cape for her birthday!!!! It is SO CUTE!

She wore her outfit to her 1 year check up at the doctors.
She is doing great. She was 29.5 inches and 21.88 lbs. She is in the 65% for her age.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Leigha........

Grandma Linda playing with Leigha and Sophia.

She loves to jump!

WOW check out Emma's hair. LOL

The Girls having fun!

Shaun doing Sophia's crazy hair.

Emma just relaxing with her doll.
Leigha as the Easter Bunny. LOL

What a face!

Sophia in her Easter Dress Grandma Linda made.

Emma looking so pretty.

Mr. Gavin! He is too cute.

This is what Sophia really thinks of Easter pictures!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

spring is here!

1st time walking in the grass without shoes!