Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

The next couple of posts are from when my friend Maria was visiting from Madrid, Spain. They are in no order. But here is a couple of things we did with her.

She arrived in Cleveland Saturday night Feb. 27th and left for New York City on March 14th. See is site seeing in New York for 1 week and then is returning to Spain on March 21st. We had such a great time with her!

Well the 1st week we did some everyday stuff like going to Walmart, Emma had a doctors appointment, we went Roller skating. Then we decided to take a trip to Maryland and show Maria D.C. we had a great time.

We left on Saturday at 5 am the girls were great they slept until 8 am. at 8:30 we stopped in Breezewood for the 1st time. We had breakfast, then we decided to fill up the gas tank and get going on the last 2 1/2 hours. Well MARIA (LOL) decided while Shaun was filling up the gas tank to open the door and throw away some trash from her purse. WRONG IDEA. My girls are very gaggy. So Leigha got a whiff of the gas fumes and started PUKING ALL OVER THE CAR. THEN of course Sophia started PUKING ALL OVER THE CAR. I yelled up and told Emma to not look at them. We all just sat there for a minute and starting laughing we did not know where to begin. So we popped the trunk and emptied out the suit cases because of course there suit case was all the way in the back of the trunk. Then we stripped down both babies and changed them in the middle of the gas station. The gas station person gave us a bag to put all the puke clothes in. (YUCK) then we wiped down all the car seats, fortunately they mostly puked all over their clothes. So for the next 2 1/2 hours the car had a faint smell of PUKE. We were so happy to make it to Leigh Ann's house. LOL

That afternoon Nana had lunch for us and most of Shaun's relatives stopped over to say hi to us.

Sunday we went to BOWIE WARD to say hello to all our friends. It was great to see everyone!!! We miss them all so much. Then we got on the Metro and headed to D.C. for the day. Aunt Lisa came with us it was so fun to hang out with her for the day. We had GREAT weather!

Sunday night after D.C. we headed to my friends Tracy's house so the girls could play with Syndey. We ordered burgers from FIVE GUYS YUMMMMMMY!

Monday we relaxed at Leigh Ann's house for awhile and played with Mason. He is so cute and the girls just loved him.

We headed to Annapolis with Leigh Ann and Mason. On the way we stopped at Jeremy's work and he gave the girls a tour of the Cookie Factory he works at. (He made us some YUMMY cookies also) Then we met Teresa, Pete, and Maddie in Annapolis. We went to a Chick Ruth's to eat, then we went to the playground to play, then we walked around a little, fed the ducks and left. We went and said good bye to Nana and Poppie Brayton and then headed to Teresa's to relax and play with Maddie and Mason. We had a great night. We ordered Shaun's favorite pizza. CETRONE'S Then we drove around D.C. at night to show Maria how pretty everything looks lit up.

Tues. we got up and headed home around 11 am. We did not make it home until 7:30. We stopped to many times to count. The girls hardly slept! FUN STUFF

The rest of the week we went Shopping with Jill, Bowling, Applebees, dinner at Ferrantes, the Zoo. Both our cars broke down and we had a whole day at home while they were both in the shop. We made chocolate chip cookies and we had a surprise Sponge Bob party for the girls. I know I am probably for getting something but we had FUN FUN FUN.

Maria Maria Maria

Maria gave the girls a surprise party the night before she left. They were so EXCITED!!!


Maria helping Emma with homework.

Emma's litter box project for SLE

We ate McDonald's in the car and when I picked up Sophia she had a Cheeseburger stuck to her butt! I was laughing so hard I almost dropped her! Maria was laughing so hard she could not get a straight picture. LOL

We went to Cleveland Zoo and Rain forest.

The girls played dress up and sang for Maria. They were ROCK STARS. It was very cute. I will try to load some videos.

Shaun and I went to dinner at Ferrante's with John, Jill, and Maria. We had a BLAST!!!!
We ate way to much. Some of the problem could have been Maria and I ordered dessert for our appetizers!!! LOL

Maria's camera will take your picture if you smile. So Shaun and I were trying to get it to take our pictures. We kept smiling and smiling and it would not work and then Maria said oops it worked and had about 20 pictures of us smiling!!!

Maria looking up a word in her dictionary. She is so funny.


Leigh Ann and Mason at the Park. It was a beautiful day.

Pete, Teresa, Maddie, Emma, Leigha, Lindsay, Sophia, Shaun, Leigh Ann, and Mason at Chick Ruth's in Annapolis.