Monday, September 13, 2010

Our trip to Maryland

Visiting Grandma and Popi Bell

We had a great time and Popi and Grandma looked great.


Here are some pictures of Emma on our trip. She had a great time and did not want to wake up for school today! She is in 5th grade this year. It is her 1st year she has been able to ride the school bus so she is loving that. She is in a new school this year too. It is named Cork Elementary and she loves it. Her teachers name is Mrs. Ball. She is growing so fast. It is so sad. She loves her sisters and is just such a big helper.


Here are some pictures of Sophia on our trip! Sophia loved seeing where Nana Bell lives. She just did not understand where they all went so now she at least knows where everyone is. Sophia is getting ready for her 4th birthday on Sept. 23rd. and she is so excited. She picked out a Candy Land cake she is so excited to help me make. We will see how it goes.

Lynne (Angela's best friend) got this cute outfit for Sophia for her birthday! She loves it. Angela got Sophia the purple crown. She wore it ALL weekend. She loves it too.

Cuddling! watching tv in Nana Bell's bed.

When we got home from Maryland Sophia went up to bed and then she came down for a drink of water. I guess she got up and decided she needed a little lipstick!!!! (the glasses are her "dream glasses" they give her good dreams and she wears them all night long )