Thursday, October 1, 2009


The girls have had a cold the last week and a half. I took Leigha to the doctors last Friday and she ended up having a ear infection. She is doing fine. She is on medicine and her cough is getting better. Sophia went Monday for a 3 year old check up and was fine. She had a cold but nothing too bad. The doctor put her on Zythomax (not sure on spelling) just to help with the cold. By Wednesday she was just not right so I took her back and she did a blood test for Mono and a strep test. The Strep test came back negative and they will not know about the Mono test until Monday. But the doctor seems to think that is what it is. (very strange) She said she only could of gotten it from someone spit. She is on a steroid and a medication for that. If the Mono test comes back negative then it is a bacterial infection. hmmmm not sure what to think we really haven't left the house the last couple of weeks. I guess we will stay in for awhile. They said she is not quarentined she just can not drink after anyone or spit on them. (which if you know Sophia is not a easy task!) She still is not feeling great but she is much better than yesterday. She is sleeping right now.............. I will keep everyone updated.


  1. Oh, your poor kids!! It is miserable being sick. I hope that Sophia gets better soon. We have all been sick here at our house too. I will be thinking of you b/c I know it is MUCH harder to deal with sick kids when they are little than when they are teens.

  2. hmmm that is very strange...I wonder if someone that visited you guys had mono.. or what.. that is strange poor sophia...hmm well yeah keep me updated!

  3. Aww poor sweetie! I hope everyone feels better soon!
